Land of Odd: Odd Facts

land of odd
Just Think of it...

  • There is a chemical waste dump in the Soviet Union that is twice as big as the whole state of Vermont.
  • More than half-a-million trees are used every Sunday to produce America's Sunday newspapers.
  • Two to four million tons of oil leak into the Soviet water table every year from the Siberian pipeline.
  • Americans use eight times more fuel than people anywhere else in the world.
  • Over seven percent of adult Americans are alcoholics.
  • The screaming of an upset baby can damage your hearing. Kids can scream at levels up to 90 decibels, and permanent damage can be caused at 85 dB. One dB is the minimum amount of sound detectable by the human ear.
  • Last year 81 million Americans got sick from food poisoning and 9,000 of them died.
  • Sixty-six people per day are killed by drunk drivers. This is down from 70 per day as it was a couple of years ago.
  • Every day in America, the average office worker goes through 2.5 pounds of paper. This is more than before computers were common. Computers were originally expected to bring about a condition known as the "paperless office."
  • Americans throw 694 plastic bottles into the trash every second.
  • The rain in New York carries so much acid from pollution that it has killed all the fish in 200 lakes in the Adirondack State Park.
  • The world's smog is so thick that astronomers are complaining.
  • We grow more tobacco than wheat in America.
  • 11,000 cigarettes are lighted every second, just in America.
  • There are three million new cigarette smokers in America each year.
  • You can accidentally kill yourself by drinking over 40 cups of coffee in one day. The amount of caffeine is sufficient to cause respiratory failure.

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